Thursday, 14 March 2013

The Master

The Master

Apparently, it’s not really about the Xenu-botherers…honest!

If you can’t wait the two weeks until it opens nationwide and you’re planning to go see The Master this week when it opens in all its 70mm glory in just one London cinema, why not take a bottle with you and play The Master drinking gameä! 



Whisky maybe. 

But not the good stuff.  Leave the single malt at home.  We’re talking supermarket own-brand rotgut.  The really cheap, nasty, value stuff.  Some Pholcodine Cough Linctus would also probably hit the spot too.  Or maybe some raki.  Absinthe.  No mixers though, nothing to dilute the booze and make it more palatable.  Something strong, something that’ll make you wince, something that’ll make you pull a face as you drink it.  If you really want to get into the swing of things, take a leaf from The Master’s central character Freddie Quell’s (Joaquin Phoenix) cocktail recipe book and try some paint thinner, anti-freeze and torpedo fuel. 

The rules are simple.  As you watch the film, every time Freddie takes a drink, you take a drink.  Every time Freddie utters a line of intelligible dialogue, you take a drink.  See if you can make it to the end of the film without puking your guts up.  Don’t worry about missing major plot-points.  There aren’t any.

Our tale begins in 1945 with the Second World War ending and troubled war veteran Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoenix) being medically discharged from the US Navy.  We know Freddie’s troubled because when we first meet him he’s making moonshine out of a liquid (Fuel?  Anti-freeze?) he drains from the warheads of torpedoes, furiously wanking over the idealised sand sculpture of a woman some of his shipmates have made and turning up pissed and unintelligible to his psychiatric evaluation with the Navy shrink. 

Fast-forward a couple of years and Freddie’s still pissed but now he’s a department store photographer who drinks his own developing fluid.  One fight with a customer later and Freddie’s working as an itinerant cabbage picker and accidentally poisoning his immigrant co-workers with his homemade hooch.  Homeless, jobless and on the bum, Freddie’s fortunes may just be looking up when he stows away aboard the yacht of self-styled barefaced messiah, the titular Master, Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour Hoffman), who tells Freddie: "I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher.  But above all, I am a man, a hopelessly inquisitive man, just like you." 

Founder of his own thinly-veiled Scientology-style cult, The Cause, Dodd is fascinated by Freddie and submits him to “processing” (not dissimilar to L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics auditing process), breaking him down and rebuilding him.  Freddie becomes a true believer, a trusted confidant and the unquestioning blunt instrument willing to assault and intimidate Dodd’s detractors despite Dodd’s wife Peggy’s (Amy Adams) obvious distrust and Dodd’s own son Val’s (Jesse Plemons) assertions that the Master is making it all up as he goes along.

Hugely ambitious, beautifully shot and boasting some impeccable performances, The Master is a diaphanous, obvious, slip of a film; there’s a lot of sound and fury but little real substance.  It’s hypnotic, mesmerising, without ever being involving and with a quasi-religion and title character obviously based on Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard, there’s plenty of meat here but nothing you can get your teeth into.  What is The Cause?  What does it actually believe?  There’s tangential mention during processing sessions of alien invasion and past lives but nothing solid.  Nor is their any real exploration of what drives such a cult; the need to believe, the desire for acceptance, the relationship between guru and devotee, the cult of personality, all largely go unexplored as does any suggestion of homoerotic attraction between Dodd and Freddie.  Writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson draws on incidents from Hubbard’s life and his founding of Scientology (the boats, Seymour Hoffman’s resemblance to Hubbard, the arrest for practicing medicine without a licence, his reliance on wealthy patrons, the desert conference, the school in England, etc.) but pointedly avoids any exposé or overt criticism of the movement, even going so far as to state publicly: “I didn’t want it to be a biography. It’s not the L. Ron Hubbard story.”  You can’t really blame him, the man would obviously like to work again in Hollywood, but it is a shame; the L. Ron Hubbard story is the interesting one to be told here.

Anderson prefers instead to concentrate on Joaquin Phoenix’s disturbed, alcoholic drifter Freddie.  It’s a flamboyant, showy performance of hunched, almost bestial, incoherence from Phoenix who spends much of the film bent over, clutching his sides like someone with a particularly nasty urinary tract infection.  He’ll probably get an Oscar nomination for it but he shouldn’t.  Far better is Philip Seymour Hoffman as the blustering, charismatic Dodd; a snakeoil salesman who may just believe his own hype.  As she is in everything else she does, Amy Adams is easily the best thing in the film, pitching Dodd’s wife Peggy as somewhere between a Stepford Wife and Lady Macbeth and there’s strong support from Jesse Plemons, Laura Dern, Kevin J. O’Connor and Christopher Evan Welch.

Perhaps the greatest sin of the film is that we never get any real sense of The Cause’s growth or the impact the Master has on his followers.  There are some fantastic moments, Dodd’s initial processing of Freddie, the society dinner party confrontation between Dodd and Christopher Evan Welch’s sceptic, but ultimately, as much as it may at times enthrall, The Master is just too ponderous, too ambiguous to satisfy.  Too little happens, there’s just too much time devoted to Joaquin Phoenix’s asshole-drunk act.  It’s thought-provoking but only in the sense that you’d think with such rich material Anderson might have constructed the truly epic film The Master so obviously wants to be and which the critics have already anointed it as.

Perhaps the last word however should go to legendary curmudgeon Harlan Ellison who claimed in a 1978 interview: Scientology is bullshit!  Man, I was there the night L. Ron Hubbard invented it, for Christ's sakes!  We were sitting around one night...who else was there?  Alfred Bester and Cyril Kornbluth and Lester Del Rey.  And Ron Hubbard, who was making a penny a word and had been for years.  And he said: “This bullshit's got to stop!”  He says: “I gotta get money.”  He says: “I want to get rich.” And somebody said: “Why don't you invent a new religion? They're always big.”  We were clowning!  You know: “Become Elmer Gantry!  You'll make a fortune!” He says: “I'm going to do it.” 

Right there is the germ of a better film than The Master.

David Watson

Directed by:
Written by:
Produced by:
2 hours 24 minutes
UK Release Date:
Friday 2nd November

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