Cowboys and Aliens
Cowboys and Aliens is not a subtle film. Cowboys and Aliens will never be mistaken for a subtle film. To be honest, Cowboys and Aliens is about three days hard riding from subtle. Like Hobo with a Shotgun (well, there’s this hobo and he has a shotgun…), Dead
Hooker In A Trunk (well, there’s
dead hooker and she’s in the trunk of a car…), Snakes on a Plane (well, there’s these snakes and they’re on a plane…)
and Shaving Ryan’s Privates
(well, there’s this guy called Ryan…), Cowboys and Aliens is the latest in a long line of thumpingly obvious
movies that are defined purely by their titles and do exactly what it says on
the tin.
Which isn’t to say Cowboys
and Aliens isn’t entertaining. It
is. The first half probably more
than the second. But imagine a
world of nothing but thumpingly obvious movie titles: Captain America would become Steroid Freak Punches Nazis, ET
would become Mamma’s Boy Finds Alien, The Sixth Sense could be
Ghost Psychiatrist, Watchmen would
be Look At The Size Of That Big Blue Wang! and Lesbian Vampire Killers
would definitely be Steaming Pile Of Crap. Some titles just tell you
everything you need to know about a film.
A man (Daniel Craig) wakes
up, bloody and battered in the desert.
In keeping with Western tradition, our hero has no name. He also has no memory and a weird metal
shackle-like bracelet around his wrist.
Almost immediately, he encounters a trio of murderous bounty hunters
whom he quickly sends to the Happy Hunting Ground in an Old West meets Jason Bourne-style,
relieving them of their clothes, guns and horses. Riding into town, our hero finds he’s a wanted outlaw, Jake
Lonergan, and just as he’s about to be lynched by scenery-chewing local rancher
Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) a squadron of UFOs show up, blast hell out of
the town and kidnap a bunch of townspeople, Dolarhyde’s no-good son (Paul Dano)
among them, while Jake’s bracelet turns into a laser gun that allows him to
shoot down one of the spaceships.
Putting aside their personal enmity, Jake and Dolarhyde must work
together to lead a rag-tag bunch of frontier stereotypes (Clancy Brown’s gruff
preacher, Olivia Wilde’s saloon girl with a secret, Sam Rockwell’s tenderfoot
bartender, Adam Beach’s obligatory noble Injun scout) on a mission to save
their loved ones and kick some alien butt.
And that really is pretty
much that. It does exactly what it
says on the tin. Rip-roaring,
rousing entertainment and nothing more, Cowboys and Aliens offers absolutely no surprises. It’s a big, dumb Summer popcorn movie
and a damn good one. But that’s
all it is. Which is a real shame
as it has ideas to burn. Which is
exactly what it does with them.
With his lack of name, back-story and alien gizmo attached to his arm,
Daniel Craig’s mysterious hero could have been an 1870’s Klaatu, the film an
intriguing mix of High Plains Drifter and The Day The Earth Stood Still, but any possibility of anything that interesting
rides South as soon as he rides into town and finds out he’s actually a famous
(human) outlaw.
Yet another comic book
adaptation, Cowboys and Aliens
disappointingly squanders its rich source material. The original 2006 comic spent as much time in the alien camp
as it did with the humans and it’s broadly satirical subtext commented on
America’s sense of Manifest Destiny, the aliens exploiting and subjugating the
humans in a similar fashion to the way the white European settlers exploited
and subjugated the indigenous peoples.
And it had horses with anti-gravity horseshoes allowing the humans to
take the fight to the aliens.
The film however ditches the
comic book entirely; out goes the political subtext and characterisation in
favour of cliché and empty spectacle.
Despite being technologically advanced and able to fly across the galaxy,
the aliens in Cowboys and Aliens
are yet another non-descript retread of the aliens from Independence Day; 9-feet tall, bit lizardy, bit gooey, not very
communicative. Virtually
impervious to bullets but seemingly pretty vulnerable to Apache arrows and a
kid with a pocket-knife, they never really feel like too much of a tangible
threat. They do seem to be quite
good sports though as despite having bracelets that can shoot down flying
saucers, they take the humans on in hand-to-claw combat rather than just blowing
them back to the Stone Age.
While the film more than
does justice to it’s Western pedigree and the battles are exciting in a
blood-and-thunder formulaic way, the script shows a general lack of imagination
(imagination being something that’s kinda crucial in a sci-fi movie) that’s
indicative of producer Steven Spielberg’s influence rather than Iron Man director Jon Favreau’s. Story and character have never been Spielberg’s strengths,
he’s always been more interested in kids with daddy issues, and his forays into
sci-fi in the past have always been great right up until we meet the aliens who
are normally as dumb as a bag of hammers and a bit of a letdown. Let’s face it; ET‘s botanist aliens may have had a spaceship but they
were too dumb to invent trousers or to notice they had left without one of
their crew members while the childlike Greys of Close Encounters had been tooling around Earth for decades,
kidnapping people and trying to talk to us with a Moog, but at the end of the
film are quite happy to leave the party with Richard Dreyfuss’s doofus Whichita
Lineman rather than scientist
Francois Truffaut (one of the fathers of the French New Wave and a thoroughly
fascinating chap) who’s standing right next to him. Aliens in Spielberg movies; they’re just not rocket
The cast though are
obviously having fun playing the threadbare stereotypes the script gives them
instead of characters. Clancy
Brown as every gruff, gun-toting preacher you’ve ever seen in Westerns wouldn’t
seem out of place in a John Ford movie while Sam Rockwell’s tenderfoot is every
cultured intelligent man who’s ever been forced to pick up the gun since The
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Olivia Wilde is beautiful and enigmatic
as the beautiful and enigmatic saloon girl, more than holding her own in the
action scenes, while Harrison Ford is having a whale of a time as the brutal
Ahab-like Dolarhyde, his entire performance a loving pastiche of John Wayne’s
in The Searchers, a Western
classic Cowboys and Aliens is
deeply indebted to.
Though he’s always proved
rather a boring Bond (too po-faced, too tortured, too humourless, too blond),
Daniel Craig owns the film as the laconic hero, convincing kin to Clint
Eastwood and Steve McQueen. His craggy
good looks could have been hewn from Mount Rushmore itself, ice-cold blue eyes
twinkling under his Stetson, the tension and coiled physicality of his
performance suggesting a man of violence, barely holding himself in check. There’s a fantastic moment when after
lassoing an alien ship and being dragged through the air, Craig turns to Olivia
Wilde, his eyes filled with wonder and says; “We flew.” Moments like this and the scene where
the posse come across an upside-down paddle steamer marooned in the desert (a
visual nod to Close Encounters) hint at the film Cowboys and Aliens could have been.
Fast, funny and completely
preposterous, Cowboys and Aliens
is undemanding fun. Leave your
brain at the door and be entertained.
If nothing else, it’s good to have Harrison Ford back in a hat.
David Watson
Jon Favreau
Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam
Rockwell, Clancy Brown, Walton Goggins, Keith Carradine, Paul Dano, Adam Beach
Damon Lindelof, Alex Kurtzmann, Robert Orci, Scott
Mitchell Rosenberg, Hawk Ostby, Mark Fergus, Steve Oedekerk
Running time
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