While he’s without doubt one of the most important,
influential film-makers of the 20th century and one of the fathers
of the French New Wave, I have to confess, I would rather poke myself in the
eye with an excrement-smeared fork than watch anything Jean-Luc Godard has made
since he got into Mao.
Essentially what happens when you give an 80-year old
man a video camera and a trip on a cruise ship, I can’t decide whether Film
Socialisme is (a) an incoherent, childlessly hectoring, willfully
po-faced, rambling dissertation on Western decadence and cultural hegemony, the
Israel/Palestine debate, Hitler Stalin, art, Marxism, the Nazis, the Holocaust,
mathematics, Islam, the Jews and Hollywood or (b) the holiday video of a senile
elderly man. Worryingly, I’m
leaning towards option (b).
Fragmentary scenes take place on a Mediterranean
cruise, the truncated, almost non-existent, subtitles revealing nothing
(possibly the only touch of the movie that I found exciting). Passengers amble around aimlessly, they
stare off into the distance, they have heated arguments about Spanish Gold and
are given to making statements like “Poor Europe,” the soundtrack cuts in and
out as if recorded only on the camera’s built-in mike. Patti Smith wanders around playing
guitar looking like a homeless bum who’s been kicked through a hedge. A bored woman watches kittens miaow on
the Internet, theatrically miaowing back at them. A kid repeatedly falls asleep while listening to jazz, a
device so obvious it screams “See…America bad.” Godard poses some of his passengers on the infamous Odessa
Steps while cutting back and forth to Eisenstein’s celebrated scene in
Battleship Potemkin.
The passengers get off the boat and wander around
Naples, Barcelona, Odessa. A woman
reads Balzac in a petrol station forecourt next to a lhama tied to a petrol
pump. Why? Who knows? Who cares? The
film is one big Gallic shrug, as much a joke on the audience as a condemnation
of their petite-bourgeois sensibilities.
Having memorably declared at the end of 1967’s Weekend “Fin de Cinéma” (Cinema is Dead), Godard seems intent on proving the
fact. But maybe it’s just Godard’s
style of film that’s dead? Maybe
there’s just no place anymore for the kind of sophomoric, self-indulgent,
ranting that Godard has been permitted to indulge in for the last 30 or so
When Film Socialisme was screened at
2010’s Cannes Film Festival, ever the provocateur, Godard posted a four-minute
long, accelerated cut of the film on YouTube. It’s just as incoherent as the longer version but at least
that’s only four minutes out of your life. Seek it out.
You’d be saving at least an hour and a half. You could do something good with that hour and a half. You could go for a walk. You could visit a sick friend. You could read Balzac in a petrol
station forecourt next to a lhama tied to a petrol pump.
Jean-Luc Godard
Running Time
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