Meet Monica Velour
What happens to
sex symbols when they get old?
If they’re
lucky, they die young, at the height of their allure. Before the drink, the drugs, the divorces, the abortions,
the surgeries, the decades of hard living, take their toll. Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Jean
Harlow, River Phoenix, Rudolf Valentino, Anna Nicole Smith (well, maybe not
Anna Nicole Smith). They died at
the top of their game, at the shining moment when they were at their most
beautiful, their most talented, their most loved.
If they’re
unlucky, they get old. Look at
Elizabeth Taylor. Look at Tony
Curtis. Wouldn’t we remember them
so much more fondly if Liz had had died in a car crash just after Who’s
Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?
Or if Tony had been decapitated in an unexplained hairdressing mishap around
the time of Taras Bulba?
Then we wouldn’t have had to watch them get old, get bloated, do crap
telly. Let’s face it; if Tupac was
still alive he’d have got fat and have his own show on E! sandwiched between
Ice T and the Kardashians. And
that’s not a sandwich any of us would relish.
Some sex symbols
however finally get some respect and start cornering the market in decent
roles. After spending the ‘70s
playing a collection of dolly-birds and eye candy in TV shows like Starsky
and Hutch, Quincy
M.E. and Vega$, Kim Cattrall broke into cinema in the
‘80s and played a succession of dolly-birds and eye candy in movies like Porky’s, Police Academy and Mannequin.
For most of the ‘90s she languished in a series of non-descript roles in
mostly under-performing films; Tom Hanks’ shrewish wife in The Bonfire of
the Vanities, a sexy
Vulcan in a Star Trek
movie (leading to unconfirmed reports of a late-night photo-shoot on the
Enterprise bridge wearing just Spock-ears), Rutger Hauer’s girlfriend in a
half-remembered film about an alien who eats Londoners.
It wasn’t until
1998 she really exploded into the world’s consciousness as man-eating Samantha
Jones in HBO’s groundbreaking TV show Sex and the City, inspiring a generation
of 30-something women to forsake their cats, buy shoes they can’t afford, drink
cocktails they don’t really like (come on, have you ever met anyone who
actually likes the taste of a Cosmopolitan?), talk loudly about anal and oral
sex in restaurants and generally, well, act a bit slaggy.
But after
phenomenal success playing the quintessential cougar, how does an actress who’s
built a career out of playing women defined by their sexuality break free of
that typecasting? For Cattrall
it’s been a two-pronged assault, first winning breathlessly good reviews for
her West End stage work and now she’s destroying her sex symbol image by
playing a broken-down, faded porn star whose glory days are thirty years behind
her in Meet Monica Velour.
High school geek
Tobe (Dustin Ingram) is a porn-obsessed loner who discovers his dream woman,
‘80s porn star Monica Velour is stripping in a small Midwest town. So he does what any enterprising young
stalker would do; he climbs behind the wheel of his grandfather’s hot dog truck
(sporting a giant hot dog on the roof and emblazoned with the words WEENIE WIZ)
and heads off for his date with destiny.
Monica (Kim Cattrall) however is nothing like her glamorous onscreen
image. She’s a down-on-her-luck
alcoholic single mom whose pushing 50, her glory days long be hind her. Deciding all she needs to get back on
her feet is the love of a nerd, Tobe sets out to win the broken Monica’s heart
and a bittersweet friendship develops between them which will change both their
While it’s not
exactly deep, Meet Monica Velour is a funny, good-natured coming-of-age tale
with some nice performances from the excellent Brian Dennehy (an actor I was
pleased just to see is still alive) as Tobe’s grandfather and Keith David as an
eccentric artist who offers Tobe romantic advice. As Tobe, Dustin Ingram is fine if a bit like a stalker
version of Napolean Dynamite, the kind of character who only exists in American
Indie movies and who, in reality, would probably just kidnap, rape and murder
the object of his affections. And
just once I’d like to see a movie where the put upon weird kid flips and goes
on a killing spree rather than learning life lessons from an aging porn star
and a guy who collects kitsch.
The main reason
to see this film though is Kim Cattrall.
She dominates the film, delivering her best performance in
years, obviously relishing lines like “You screw a few hundred guys, and the
whole world turns against you,” and “You wouldn’t be the first guy to drive me
out to the woods and try to kill me.”
Having gained weight for the role, the transformation from the
sophisticated Samantha Jones to the white-trash Monica is stunning. She looks old. She looks tired. She looks like a woman who’s used
up. She looks like someone living
life on the margins. She looks
like a survivor. It’s a brave raw
performance from Cattrall and almost deserves a better film.
A bittersweet comedy that’s as much about loneliness
and regret as it is a coming-of-age drama, Meet Monica Velour deserved a better
fate than going straight to DVD.
David Watson
Keith Bearden
Kim Cattrall, Dustin Ingram, Brian Dennehy, Keith
David, Jee Young Han
Running time
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