R: Hit First, Hit Hardest
Lacking the spirituality of A Prophet, the
warmth of The Shawshank Redemption, the rabid fun
of Mesrine, the gritty reality of Carandiru or the
visceral, jacked-up, balls-out action of Cell 211,
Danish prison drama R is a typically Scandinavian entry in the
pantheon of prison movies; cold, brutal and unrelentingly bleak. A lot like
Denmark really.
A nasty short, sharp, shock to the system which
revisits all the usual cliches of prison movies; the beatings, the scaldings,
the drug dealing, the racial tension, the paranoia, the brutality but,
surprisingly, little in the way of graphic male rape, R
paints a very different picture of incarceration to that of Porridge.
Danish Eminem-alike Rune (Pilou Asbœk) is the doomed
young rookie convict who finds himself having to negotiate the dangerous waters
of Copenhagen’s notorious Horsens Prison after being sentenced to two years for
assault with a knife. Out of his
depth and surrounded by tattooed, skinheaded, Cro-Magnon Vikings, Rune knows
the score; he’s fresh meat, the only way he’s going to survive is by keeping
his head down, swallowing his pride and taking whatever humiliation is doled
out by the prison’s alpha males.
As is traditional in prison movies, he is forced to makes his bones by
beating up another inmate and gains a measure of acceptance in the harsh
jailhouse hierarchy. Finding a
friend and business partner in Rashid (Dulfikar Al-Jabouri), a young Muslim
prisoner, Rune bucks the prison’s strict racial divide, going into business for
himself, he and Rashid supplying drugs to the jail’s Arabs. But, older, more experienced lags are
jealously eyeing his lucrative market and, in a world where treachery and
betrayal are daily currency, just who can Rune trust?
Oppressively claustrophobic, the film eschews music,
filling the soundtrack instead with the clank and clang of metal cell doors,
the constant hum of muffled conversations, the daily minutiae of prison
life. Essentially shadows of each
other, Rune and Rashid are linked neither by their friendship or their business
partnership but by their shared status as victim; both men are at the bottom of
the food chain, prey for the predators, a fact that becomes more and more
apparent as the film goes on and their situations become increasingly
Ratcheting up the tension,
writer/directors Tobias Lindholm & Michael Noer keep their audience as much in the dark
as their protagonists, creating an almost unbearable state of expectant fear as
information is revealed to us as it’s revealed to Rune, most of the film’s more
disturbing moments occurring in neutral areas when we least expect it, brutal
violence erupting from nowhere.
Treading very familiar waters to every other prison
flick you’ve ever seen, R makes Roy Clarke’s classic Scum look
as cheerful and life affirming as the cast of Glee doing Jailhouse
Rock. If Ronnie Barker's Fletcher had done his time in
Denmark he'd probably have been raped, beaten and had boiling oil thrown in his
face in the 1st week. Uncompromising
and brutal, R is closer to punishment than
David Watson
Tobias Lindholm & Michael Noer
Pilou Asbœk, Dulfi Al-Jaburi, Kim Winther, Roland Møller, Jacob Gredsted, Omar
Tobias Lindholm & Michael Noer
Running time
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